30 day Shred day 2…OOFDA!

Day 2…done!

It was not as bad as yesterday!  I only had to stop twice today, which is much improved from the five times yesterday.  I am seriously pushing through this, soreness and all.

Look at me go!!

There’s no stopping me now, my t-shirt even says so:

That’s right- Every Damn Day.  I was STARVING after this workout.  I am so glad that I got that cottage cheese last week.  Toss in some peaches, and I am not so starving anymore!

The closer I get to my thirties, the more I worry about my long-term health.  I am determined to break the cycle of diabetes in my family.  It ends with me.  My grandmother (maternal) was Diabetic for as long as I can remember.  Sadly it ultimately took her life.  She was always heavy, and did not care one little bit.  She did not take care of herself.  Diabetes caused her to not be able to see very well, and being insulin dependent the ability to see the numbers and lines on the syringe is well, kind of important.  I remember that she used to just stick the needle in the insulin bottle and count until she thought she had enough.  Often times she had way too much, or way too little.  The last night she spent in her own home was on the floor of the kitchen because she got dizzy and fell…because she was on the doorstep of a diabetic coma.  The extra weight and diabetes wreaked havoc on her joints, and when she got to the nursing home she sat in that wheel chair, and never walked again.  2 years in the chair is a sad way to spend the last 2 years of your life.  She passed away when I was 20.

During my junior year of High School, my mother found out that she was Diabetic as well.  She said she’d known for quite some time.  I was terrified that she would just continue to live as if nothing was wrong.  But she made huge changes in her lifestyle, and in our family’s as well.  We changed the way we ate, she started walking for exercise.  On cold days we went to the mall, and Mom walked.  Over the winter my High School opened the school in the evenings to walkers.  I stayed after school, Monday through Thursday and we walked.  Crazy fast.  By spring my Mom had lost nearly 70 pounds and I had dropped 20 without really noticing it!  We were toned, and had greatly improved our relationship by spending that quality time together everyday.  As many of you know- my Mom is a fighter and she has survived her FIFTH battle with cancer this year.  She is the biggest inspiration that I could ever have.  I am so very proud of her!

So like I said- this cycle ends with me.  This is the last “fat year” of my life.  I will not go back to this ever again.  I know where it will get me if I don’t make a change now.  And I don’t want to go down that road, and have my daughter tell this same story.  Every spring, I think “This is the year that I will wear a bikini and be confident.  This is the year that I will be strong and proud.”  But it never happens.  I know now it’s because I just didn’t want it enough.  Well- I want it now.  And I am going to get it in 2012.

30 before 30 here I come!!


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