What is Coaching?

5 day sneak peek cover photo

What is your passion? ♥

Is it your health ♥? Is it helping other people 🙂  ? Do you love to travel ☼? Your family  🙂 🙂 🙂 ?

What would you do if you never had to work in cubeville ever again? I will never work in cubeville again. Why?

Find out how next week during your internship on the misFIT REPublic team! Wait, what? You are not enrolled in our internship program? You can be! Join us for a sneak peak into what all this coaching business is, how we live, what we do and who we are.

My team is hosting this exclusive opportunity for YOU! Join me, Ashley Culbertson, and Carey Manz for a 5 day look into what could be the best thing you ever do for yourself.

What is coaching2

email me at sassypantsfitnessblog@gmail.com to join!

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